Volumetric Calculator

Charging & Volumetric Weight

  • Overnight carriers charge by either the gross or volumetric weight, whichever is the greater
  • The chargeable weight of a consignment is the aggregate total of each individual package rounded up to the nearest kg.
  • Where the volume of any single parcel exceeds a pre-determined value for cubic centimetres per kilo, then volumetric weight will be applied. ​

If you need advice please call us on +447415965397.

How to Calculate Volumetric Weight

Volumetric Weight is calculated using the formula below:

  • Multiply each dimension Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) then divide by the volumetric factor and this will give the equivalent volumetric weight in kg.

Length :
Width :
Height :
Unit :

Your Volumetric Weight is: